Free Facebook Advertising Credit

Facebook are more and more famous recently, event my auntie and uncle also have facebook account, I just wonder does my grandma have facebook account or not 😛 Facebook, consider a social networking website like friendster, which able to connect a lot people at...

Photography Magazine [June2008]

Since I bought my Nikon D80 beginning of this year, I did not have much communicate with my camera, just few outing with friend such as “My 1st outing”, Kek Lok Si Photo Outing 1 and kek Lok Si Photo Outing 2 during Chinese New Year. Reason why I did not...

Ms-Dos Command

Ms-Dos, or so-called DOS (Disk Operating System) is one one of the oldest operating system (OS), to operate this OS, you need to type in a command, which is the instruction for the OS to perform a certain task. Nowadays, in our windows, it also has DOS, which we call...

What ringtone are you using?

Since I get my Candy bar last year, I only load few ring tone into my cell phone, and set the Sony Erricson ring tone as default ring tone and did not change until now. My friend said I am bored, always using the same ring tone. For me, I already use to hear this ring...

Heroes Happening at Penang

Time pass very fast,few week ago I was register Microsoft Technical Event, Heroes happening at Penang, now the event finally finish last week end. Normally Microsoft will organize event at Hotel functional room, and always organize at E&O Hotel, Penang, but this...
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